DataNode Decommission
The DataNode decommission is the process that removes the existing DataNode from the Ozone cluster while ensuring that the new data should not be written to the decommissioned DataNode. When you initiate the process of decommissioning a DataNode, Ozone automatically ensures that all the storage containers on that DataNode have an additional copy created on another DataNode before the decommission completes. So, datanode will keep running after it has been decommissioned and may be used for reads, but not for writes until it is stopped manually.
When we initiate the process of decommissioning, first we check the current state of the node, ideally it should be “IN_SERVICE”, then we change it’s state to “DECOMMISSIONING” and start the process of decommissioning, it goes through a workflow where the following happens:
First an event is fired to close any pipelines on the node, which will also close any containers.
Next the containers on the node are obtained and checked to see if new replicas are needed. If so, the new replicas are scheduled.
After scheduling replication, the node remains pending until replication has completed.
At this stage the node will complete the decommission process and the state of the node will be changed to “DECOMMISSIONED”.
To check the current state of the datanodes we can execute the following command,
ozone admin datanode list
To decommission a datanode you can execute the following command in cli,
ozone admin datanode decommission [-hV] [-id=<scmServiceId>]
[--scm=<scm>] [<hosts>...]
You can enter multiple hosts to decommission multiple datanodes together.
To view the status of a decommissioning datanode, you can execute the following command:
ozone admin datanode status decommission [-hV] [-id=<scmServiceId>] [--scm=<scm>] [--id=<uuid>] [--ip=<ipAddress>]
You can pass the IP address or UUID of one datanode to view only the details related to that datanode.
Note: To recommission a datanode you may execute the below command in cli,
ozone admin datanode recommission [-hV] [-id=<scmServiceId>]
[--scm=<scm>] [<hosts>...]
OM Decommission
Ozone Manager (OM) decommissioning is the process in which you gracefully remove one of the OM from the OM HA Ring.
To decommission an OM and remove the node from the OM HA ring, the following steps need to be executed.
- Add the OM NodeId of the OM Node to be decommissioned to the
property in ozone-site.xml of all other OMs. - Run the following command to decommission an OM node.
ozone admin om decommission -id=<om-service-id> -nodeid=<decommissioning-om-node-id> -hostname=<decommissioning-om-node-address> [optional --force]
The _force_option will skip checking whether OM configurations in ozone-site.xml have been updated with the decommissioned node added to property.
Note - It is recommended to bootstrap another OM node before decommissioning one to maintain HA.
SCM Decommission
Storage Container Manager (SCM) decommissioning is the process in which you can gracefully remove one of the SCM from the SCM HA Ring.
To decommission a SCM and remove the node from the SCM HA ring, the following steps need to be executed.
ozone admin scm decommission [-hV] [--service-id=<scmServiceId>] -nodeid=<nodeId>
You can obtain the ’nodeId’ by executing this command, “ozone admin scm roles”
Leader SCM
If you want to decommission the leader scm, you must first transfer the leadership to a different scm and then decommission the node.
To transfer the leader, we can excute below command,
ozone admin scm transfer [--service-id=<scmServiceId>] -n=<nodeId>
After successful leadership change you can proceed with decommissioning.
Primordial SCM
If you want to decommission the primordial scm, you have to change the property to point to a different SCM and then proceed with decommissioning.
During SCM decommissioning the private key of the decommissioned SCM should be manually deleted. The private keys can be found inside hdds.metadata.dir.
Manual deletion is needed until we have certificate revocation support (HDDS-8399)
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