Ozone Debug
Ozone Debug command (ozone debug
) is a collection of developer tools intended to help in debugging and get more information of various components of ozone.
Usage: ozone debug [-hV] [--verbose] [-conf=<configurationPath>]
[-D=<String=String>]... [COMMAND]
Developer tools for Ozone Debug operations
path to the ozone configuration file
-D, --set=<String=String>
Map of (configuration_key,configuration_value) for any
configuration overrides
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-V, --version Print version information and exit.
--verbose More verbose output. Show the stack trace of the errors.
chunkinfo returns chunk location information about an
existing key
print-log-dag, pld Create an image of the current compaction log DAG
in OM.
find-missing-padding, fmp List all keys with any missing padding, optionally
limited to a volume/bucket/key URI.
recover recover the lease of a specified file. Make sure
to specify file system scheme if ofs:// is not
the default.
prefix Parse prefix contents
ldb Parse rocksdb file content
read-replicas Reads every replica for all the blocks associated
with a given key.
container Container replica specific operations to be
executed on datanodes only
ratislogparser Shell of printing Ratis Log in understandable text
For more detailed usage see the output of --help
for each of the subcommands.
ozone debug ldb
Ozone heavily uses RocksDB for storing metadata. This tool helps parse the contents of RocksDB belonging to Ozone Roles. Supported DB’s : Ozone Manager (om.db) , StorageContainerManager (scm.db), Datanode/Container (container.db) Below is the usage:
Usage: ozone debug ldb --db=<dbPath> [COMMAND]
Parse rocksdb file content
--db=<dbPath> Database File Path
scan Parse specified metadataTable
list_column_families, ls list all column families in db.
value-schema Schema of value in metadataTable
list_column_families command
command lists all the column families in the db provided.
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/scm.db ls
scan command
command parses a particular column family of a rocksdb provided and prints the records.
Usage: ozone debug ldb scan [--compact] [--count] [--with-keys]
[--batch-size=<batchSize>] --cf=<tableName>
[--cid=<containerId>] [-d=<dnDBSchemaVersion>]
[-e=<endKey>] [--fields=<fieldsFilter>]
[--filter=<filter>] [-l=<limit>] [-o=<fileName>]
[-s=<startKey>] [--thread-count=<threadCount>]
Parse specified metadataTable
Batch size for processing DB data.
--cf, --column_family, --column-family=<tableName>
Table name
--cid, --container-id=<containerId>
Container ID. Applicable if datanode DB Schema is V3
--compact disable the pretty print the output
--count, --show-count
Get estimated key count for the given DB column family
Default: false
-d, --dnSchema, --dn-schema=<dnDBSchemaVersion>
Datanode DB Schema Version: V1/V2/V3
-e, --ek, --endkey=<endKey>
Key at which iteration of the DB ends
Comma-separated list of fields needed for each value.
eg.) "name,acls.type" for showing name and type
under acls.
--filter=<filter> Comma-separated list of "<field>:<operator>:<value>"
where <field> is any valid field of the record,
<operator> is [EQUALS,LESSER, GREATER or REGEX].
(EQUALS compares the exact string, REGEX compares
with a valid regular expression passed, and
LESSER/GREATER works with numeric values), <value>
is the value of the field.
eg.) "dataSize:equals:1000" for showing records
having the value 1000 for dataSize,
"keyName:regex:^key.*$" for showing records
having keyName that matches the given regex.
-l, --limit, --length=<limit>
Maximum number of items to list.
-o, --out=<fileName> File to dump table scan data
-s, --sk, --startkey=<startKey>
Key from which to iterate the DB
Thread count for concurrent processing.
--with-keys Print a JSON object of key->value pairs (default)
instead of a JSON array of only values.
By default, the contents are printed on the console, but it can be redirected to a file using the --out
can be used to limit the number of records being printed.
doesn’t print the records, it shows the approximate number of records. This is not accurate.
ozone debug ldb scan
command provides many filtering options to make debugging easier, elaborated below:
–startkey and –endkey
As the names suggest, these options specify the keys from/until which the iteration needs to happen.
specifies which key to start iterating from, it is inclusive. --endkey
specifies which key to stop iterating at, it is exclusive.
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/om.db scan --cf=volumeTable --startkey=vol3 --endkey=vol5
{ "/vol3": {
"metadata" : { },
"objectID" : -9999,
"updateID" : 4000,
"adminName" : "om",
"ownerName" : "om",
"volume" : "vol3",
"creationTime" : 1707192335309,
"modificationTime" : 1714057412205,
"quotaInBytes" : 22854448694951936,
"quotaInNamespace" : 100000000,
"usedNamespace" : 1,
"acls" : [ {
"type" : "USER",
"name" : "om",
"aclScope" : "ACCESS"
} ],
"refCount" : 0
, "/vol4": {
"metadata" : { },
"objectID" : -888,
"updateID" : 5000,
"adminName" : "om",
"ownerName" : "om",
"volume" : "vol4",
"creationTime" : 1696280979907,
"modificationTime" : 1696280979907,
"quotaInBytes" : 2251799813685250,
"quotaInNamespace" : 100000000,
"usedNamespace" : 2,
"acls" : [ {
"type" : "USER",
"name" : "om",
"aclScope" : "ACCESS"
} ],
"refCount" : 0
There are multiple fields in each record. --fields
option allows us to choose the specific fields to display.
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/om.db scan --cf=keyTable -l=1 --fields="volumeName,bucketName,keyName,keyLocationVersions.version,acls.name"
{ "/vol1/ozone-legacy-bucket/10T-1-terasort-input/": {
"keyLocationVersions" : [ {
"version" : 0
} ],
"keyName" : "10T-1-terasort-input/",
"bucketName" : "ozone-legacy-bucket",
"acls" : [ {
"name" : "om"
}, {
"name" : "scm"
}, {
"name" : "testuser"
} ],
"volumeName" : "vol1"
can be used to select records whose value matches a given condition. The filter is given in this format: <field>:<operator>:<value>
where <field>
is any valid field from the value of the record, <operator>
is one of the 4 supported operations [equals, regex, lesser, greater]
, <value>
is the value used for the comparison.
‘Equals’ and ‘regex’ work with string, bool and numerical fields, ’lesser’ and ‘greater’ work only with numerical values.
Multiple filters can also be given in one command, they need to be separated by commas.
Using equals
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/om.db scan --cf=volumeTable --filter="usedNamespace:equals:2"
"/vol4": {
"metadata": {},
"objectID": -888,
"updateID": 5000,
"adminName": "om",
"ownerName": "om",
"volume": "vol4",
"creationTime": 1696280979907,
"modificationTime": 1696280979907,
"quotaInBytes": 2251799813685250,
"quotaInNamespace": 100000000,
"usedNamespace": 2,
"acls": [
"type": "USER",
"name": "om",
"aclScope": "ACCESS"
"refCount": 0
, "/vol5": {
"metadata" : { },
"objectID" : -956599,
"updateID" : 45600,
"adminName" : "om",
"ownerName" : "om",
"volume" : "vol5",
"creationTime" : 1807192332309,
"modificationTime" : 1914057410005,
"quotaInBytes" : 7785494951936,
"quotaInNamespace" : 100000000,
"usedNamespace" : 2,
"acls" : [ {
"type" : "USER",
"name" : "om",
"aclScope" : "ACCESS"
} ],
"refCount" : 0
Using lesser
operator (greater
operator can also be used in the same way):
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/om.db scan --cf=volumeTable --filter="usedNamespace:lesser:2"
"/vol2": {
"metadata": {},
"objectID": -73548,
"updateID": 2384,
"adminName": "om",
"ownerName": "om",
"volume": "vol2",
"creationTime": 11980979907,
"modificationTime": 1296280979900,
"quotaInBytes": 417913685250,
"quotaInNamespace": 100000000,
"usedNamespace": 1,
"acls": [
"type": "USER",
"name": "om",
"aclScope": "ACCESS"
"refCount": 0
Using regex
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/om.db scan --cf=volumeTable --filter="volume:regex:^v.*2$"
"/vol2": {
"metadata": {},
"objectID": -73548,
"updateID": 2384,
"adminName": "om",
"ownerName": "om",
"volume": "vol2",
"creationTime": 11980979907,
"modificationTime": 1296280979900,
"quotaInBytes": 417913685250,
"quotaInNamespace": 100000000,
"usedNamespace": 1,
"acls": [
"type": "USER",
"name": "om",
"aclScope": "ACCESS"
"refCount": 0
Using multiple filters:
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/path/to/om.db scan --cf=volumeTable --filter="usedNamespace:equals:2,volume:regex:^.*4$"
"/vol4": {
"metadata": {},
"objectID": -888,
"updateID": 5000,
"adminName": "om",
"ownerName": "om",
"volume": "vol4",
"creationTime": 1696280979907,
"modificationTime": 1696280979907,
"quotaInBytes": 2251799813685250,
"quotaInNamespace": 100000000,
"usedNamespace": 2,
"acls": [
"type": "USER",
"name": "om",
"aclScope": "ACCESS"
"refCount": 0
value-schema command
command shows the schema of the value stored in a column-family of a rocksdb, i.e., it shows the fields stored in the value and it’s datatype.
can be used optionally to limit the level until which the fields are fetched.
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/data/metadata/om.db value-schema --cf=keyTable --depth=1
"OmKeyInfo" : {
"bucketName" : "String",
"metadata" : "struct",
"fileName" : "String",
"creationTime" : "long",
"isFile" : "boolean",
"acls" : "struct",
"keyName" : "String",
"replicationConfig" : "struct",
"encInfo" : "struct",
"dataSize" : "long",
"tags" : "struct",
"keyLocationVersions" : "struct",
"updateID" : "long",
"ownerName" : "String",
"modificationTime" : "long",
"parentObjectID" : "long",
"volumeName" : "String",
"fileChecksum" : "struct",
"objectID" : "long"
$ ozone debug ldb --db=/data/metadata/om.db value-schema --cf=keyTable
"OmKeyInfo" : {
"bucketName" : "String",
"metadata" : { },
"fileName" : "String",
"creationTime" : "long",
"isFile" : "boolean",
"acls" : {
"toStringMethod" : { },
"hashCodeMethod" : { },
"name" : "String",
"type" : {
"name" : "String",
"value" : "String",
"ordinal" : "int"
"aclScope" : {
"name" : "String",
"ordinal" : "int"
"aclBits" : "int"
"keyName" : "String",
"replicationConfig" : { },
"encInfo" : {
"ezKeyVersionName" : "String",
"keyName" : "String",
"edek" : { },
"cipherSuite" : {
"unknownValue" : {
"value" : "int"
"name" : "String",
"algoBlockSize" : "int",
"ordinal" : "int"
"version" : {
"unknownValue" : {
"value" : "int"
"name" : "String",
"description" : "String",
"version" : "int",
"ordinal" : "int"
"iv" : { }
"dataSize" : "long",
"tags" : { },
"keyLocationVersions" : {
"isMultipartKey" : "boolean",
"locationVersionMap" : { },
"version" : "long"
"updateID" : "long",
"ownerName" : "String",
"modificationTime" : "long",
"parentObjectID" : "long",
"volumeName" : "String",
"fileChecksum" : { },
"objectID" : "long"